[Container] Docker And Kubernetes – Novice
1. Beginner’s Guide to Containers and Orchestration
Containers are a very powerful tool, and they're already in the process of completely transforming the way that the IT industry does what it does.
- Container technology allows the packaging and isolation of applications with their entire runtime environment (all of the files necessary to run).
- A container is a unit of software that packages code with its required dependencies in order to run in an isolated, controlled environment.
- This allows you to run an application in a way that is predictable, repeatable, and without the uncertainty of inconsistent code execution across diverse development and production environments.
- A container will always start up and run code the same way, regardless of what machine it exists on.
- Containers and virtual machines are very similar resource virtualization technologies.
- They wrap the software in a standardized environment that allows it to run consistently in different environments.
- The key differentiator between containers and virtual machines:
- Virtual Machines virtualize an entire machine down to the hardware layers.
- Containers only virtualize software layers above the operating system level.
- Containers are more lightweight than VMs – less resources usage.
- Faster than VMs – Container can start up in seconds, not minutes.
- Smaller than VMs – Container images can be measured in megabytes, not gigabytes.
- In short, Containers are faster, use fewer resources, and easier to automate.
- Software Portability
- Easy to move the contained application between environments (dev, test, production, etc.) while retaining full functionality.
- The contained application runs quickly and reliably development, testing, and production
- Isolation
- Although containers share the same operating system kernel, but the application processes are isolated from the rest of the system.
- This keeps individual pieces of software separate from one another.
- Security
- While the container’s isolation is great for security.
- Containers can also improve the security elements by building security into the container pipeline and defending the infrastructure.
- Automation
- Containers are flexible, lightweight and quick, therefore automation is much easier to build around containers than it is around other technologies (such as VMs).
- Scalable
- Containers are so flexible, fast, and able to scale up/down in real time as needed.
- Fast and Efficient
- Containers are lightweight, portable and easy to automate, these provide the opportunity for faster development and meeting business needs as they arise.
- Containers are highly efficient, they use less resources compared to other technologies (such as VMs), therefore save cost.
- Containers share the same OS kernel, therefore:
- Less flexibility than VMs – You can’t run a Windows container on a Linux machine (yet).
- Less secure than VMs – shared host exploits.
- Containers introduce new challenges around orchestration and automation.
- Operating System: This is the software that manages all other software on your computer, along with the hardware. Examples:
- Linux, which itself has many distributions such as Red hat, Ubuntu.
- Windows 10, Windows 11.
- Kernel: This is the component of the OS that specializes in the most basic, low-level interfacing with a machine’s hardware.
- It translates the requests for physical resources between software processes and the hardware.
- Resources include compute power from the CPU, memory allocation from RAM, and I/O from the hard disk.
- Container Image: These are packages of software required by containers that contain the code, runtime, system libraries, and dependencies. Usually they start from an image of an OS like Ubuntu. These images can be built manually, or can be retrieved from an image registry.
- Image Registry: This is a solution for container image storage and sharing. The most prominent example is Docker Hub, but alternative public image registries exist and private image registries can be implemented.
- Image Repository: This is a specific location for a container image within an image registry. It contains the latest image along with the history of it within a registry.
- Container runtime: This manages the start up and existence of a container, along with how a container actually executes code.
- Container runtimes themselves are divided into two groups:
- Open Container Initiative (OCI): This is the baseline runtime that creates and runs a container, examples:
- runc, which is the most common, used by Docker, and written in Golang.
- An alternative is crun from Red Hat written in C, and is meant to be faster and lightweight.
- Container Runtime Interface (CRI): This runtime is more focused on container orchestration, examples:
- dockershim, which has steadily been dropped.
- containerd, from Docker, which has more features.
- Other alternative is CRI-O, from Red Hat.
- Open Container Initiative (OCI): This is the baseline runtime that creates and runs a container, examples:
- Container runtimes themselves are divided into two groups:
- Container engines: Complete solutions for container technologies, these include:
- The container, the container runtime underlying it, the container image and the tools to build them, and potentially can include container image registries and container orchestration.
- Most container engines use a combination of runtimes:
- OCI runtime: runc
- CRI runtime: containerd
- Docker is currently the industry leader in container engines.
- Docker alternatives:
- Red Hat’s solution stack:
- Podman: manages the runtime of containers.
- Buildah: builds container images.
- Skopeo: an interface between container images and image registries.
- Red Hat’s solution stack:
- Container Orchestration: Automation of container deployment. Orchestration involves provisioning, configuration, scheduling, scaling, monitoring, deployment, and more.
- Kubernetes is currently the industry leading container orchestration tool.
- Kubernetes alternatives:
- Docker Swarm: docker’s native container orchestration solution.
- Marathon: based on Apache mesos, offers APIs for integrating with other tools.
- Nomad: open source built by HashiCorp, designed to be simple and lightweight.
- The next level of container deployment is automation, and container orchestration automates many steps by always adjusting towards an ideal, defined state across a deployment. As a whole orchestration involves provisioning, configuration, scheduling, scaling, monitoring, deployment, and more.
- While a full dive into container orchestration is beyond the scope of this article, two prominent players are Docker with Docker Compose and Docker Swarm mode, and Kubernetes. In roughly order of complexity, Docker Compose is a container orchestration solution that deals with multi-container deployments on a single host. When there are multiple hosts involved, Docker Swarm mode is required.
- Kubernetes is a purpose-built container orchestration solution. Whereas Docker’s orchestration solutions are balanced against their focus on the core container components, Kubernetes is scoped for extensibility and granular control in orchestration. This results in a tradeoff where Kubernetes deployments are more complex.
- I want to start up a set of 5 containers in production.
- I could spin up each container manually.
- Or, I could tell an orchestration tool like Kubernetes that I want five containers, and let the tool do it.
- I want to make sure the 5 containers are on 5 different hosts (for redundancy’s sake).
- This more complex requirement requires additional work in order to ensure that those 5 containers are running on different hosts.
- The more complex those requirements become for managing my containers, the more useful orchestration tools are going to be in order to make that process easier.
- In the old days, deployments went like this:
- Take the server down for maintenance (it is unavailable to customers).
- Perform the deployment.
- Bring the server back up.
- A zero-downtime deployment (with containers) goes like this.
- Spin up containers running the new code.
- When they are fully up, direct user traffic to the new containers.
- Remove the old containers running the old code (No downtime for users).
- Orchestration tools help to coordinate those steps quickly and efficiently.
- Container orchestration tool is a software that allow you to easily build and manage container infrastructure and automation.
- Kubernetes is currently the industry leading container orchestration tool.
- It allows things like self-healing application, automated scaling, and easy automated deployments.
- Kubernetes alternatives:
- Docker Swarm: docker’s native container orchestration solution.
- Marathon: based on Apache mesos, offers APIs for integrating with other tools.
- Nomad: open source built by HashiCorp, designed to be simple and lightweight.
- Cloud providers offer built-in container orchestration solutions, including cloud-native Kubernetes implementation.
- For example:
- Amazon ECS (Elastic Container Services)
- Amazon ECS for Kubernetes
- Azure Kubernetes Service
- Google Kubernetes Engine
2. SSLO Guided Configuration (via iApps LX)
- SSL Orchestrator Guided Configuration:
- The SSLO GC presents a completely new and streamlined user experience.
- This workflow-based architecture provides intuitive, re-entrant configuration steps tailored to the selected topology.
- This GC will allow you to quickly setup the SSLO Configuration.
- Main Configuration Objects:
- (1) Topology: Select the type of deployments you require and build on your configuration.
- (2) SSL Configurations: Configure your certificate chains for encrypting and decrypting packets.
- (3) Authentication: Configure a Local OCSP Responder and associate it to a Virtual Server.
- (4) Services: Define the security services to attach to SSL Orchestrator.
- (5) Service Chaining: Determine the flow of data through your network services.
- (6) Security Policy: Configure the traffic filtering and categorization to securely manage traffic.
- (7) Interception Rules: Create the rules for routing traffic.
- (8) Egress Setting: Manage SNAT Settings and configure Gateways.
- (9) Log Settings: Manage Log Settings.
SSLO creates discreet configurations based on the selected topology.
(*) An explicit forward proxy topology will ultimately create an explicit proxy listener and its relying transparent proxy listener.
(*) But the transparent listener will be bound only to the explicit proxy tunnel.
(*) If a subsequent transparent forward proxy topology is configured, it will not overlap the existing explicit proxy objects.
(*) The Topology Properties page provides the following options.
- Name: sslo_demoL3
- Description:
- Protocol: TCP | UDP | Other | Any
- IP Family: IPv4 | IPv6
- SSLO Topologies: L2 Outbound | L3 Outbound | L3 Explicit Proxy | L2 Inbound | L3 Inbound | Existing Application
- TCP: This option creates a single TCP wildcard interception rule for the L3 Inbound, L3 Outbound, and L3 Explicit Proxy topologies.
- UDP: This option creates a single UDP wildcard interception rule for L3 Inbound and L3 Outbound topologies.
- Other: This option creates a single any protocol wildcard interception rule for L3 Inbound and L3 Outbound topologies, typically used for non-TCP/UDP traffic flows.
- Any: This option creates the TCP, UDP and non-TCP/UDP interception rules for outbound traffic flows.
- L3 Explicit Proxy: This is the traditional explicit forward proxy.
- L3 Outbound: This is the traditional transparent forward proxy. An L3 outbound topology is effectively a “routed hop” configuration, where the SSLO topology listener becomes a routed path on the way to external (ie. Internet) resources.
- L3 Inbound: This is a reverse proxy configuration. Like the L3 outbound, L3 inbound is typically a routed hop configuration for traffic directed inbound. It can also behave as a traditional loadbalanced application.
- L2 Inbound: The layer 2 topology options insert SSLO as a bump-in-the-wire in an existing routed path, where SSLO presents no IP addresses on its outer edges. The L2 Inbound topology provides a transparent path for inbound traffic flows.
- L2 Outbound: The layer 2 topology options insert SSLO as a bump-in-the-wire in an existing routed path, where SSLO presents no IP addresses on its outer edges. The L2 Outbound topology provides a transparent path for outbound traffic flows.
- Existing Application: This topology is designed to work with existing LTM applications. Whereas the L3 Inbound topology provides an inbound gateway function for SSLO, Existing Application works with LTM virtual servers that already perform their own SSL handling and client-server traffic management. The Existing Application workflow proceeds directly to service creation and security policy definition, then exits with an SSLO-type access policy and per-request policy that can easily be consumed by an LTM virtual server.
(*) It is important to distinguish SSLO’s L2 topology from those of other traditional L2 SSL visibility vendors.
(*) “True” L2 solutions like Blue Coat’s SSLVA limit the types of devices that can be inserted into the inspection zone to L2 and below, and devices must be directly connected to the appliance.
(*) SSLO’s L2 topology only exists at the outer edges. Inside the inspection zone, full-proxy routing is still happening, so L3 and HTTP services can still function normally.
LTM Objects
## app-service /Common/sslo_demoL3.app/sslo_demoL3 ##
ltm virtual sslo_demoL3-in-t-4 {
ltm virtual sslo_demoL3-in-u-4 {
ltm virtual sslo_demoL3-ot-4 {
ltm virtual sslo_demoL3-in-t-4 {
app-service /Common/sslo_demoL3.app/sslo_demoL3
destination /Common/
ip-protocol tcp
mask any
## ltm/apm profile ##
per-flow-request-access-policy /Common/ssloP_demoL3.app/ssloP_demoL3_per_req_policy
profiles {
/Common/f5-tcp-wan {
context serverside
/Common/ssloT_demoL3.app/ssloT_demoL3-cssl {
context clientside
/Common/ssloT_demoL3.app/ssloT_demoL3-sssl {
context serverside
sslo_demoL3-http { }
sslo_demoL3-http-proxy-connect { }
sslo_demoL3-tcp-lan {
context clientside
sslo_demoL3_accessProfile { }
## ltm rule ##
rules {
## ltm pool ##
pool sslo_demoL3-ex-pool-4
## etc ##
serverssl-use-sni disabled
source-address-translation {
type automap
translate-address disabled
translate-port disabled
vlans {
## ltm profile ##
ltm profile tcp f5-tcp-wan {
ltm profile tcp sslo_demoL3-tcp-lan {
ltm profile http sslo_demoL3-http {
ltm profile http-proxy-connect sslo_demoL3-http-proxy-connect {
ltm profile client-ssl ssloT_demoL3-cssl {
ltm profile server-ssl ssloT_demoL3-sssl {
## apm profile ##
apm profile access sslo_demoL3_accessProfile {
apm policy access-policy ssloP_demoL3_per_req_policy {
## ltm rule ##
ltm rule sslo_demoL3-in_t {
ltm rule sslo_demoL3-lib {
ltm rule ssloS_FEYE-port_remap {
ltm rule ssloS_IPS-port_remap {
## ltm pool ##
ltm pool sslo_demoL3-ex-pool-4 {
app-service /Common/sslo_demoL3.app/sslo_demoL3
members {
/Common/ {
session monitor-enabled
state up
min-active-members 1
monitor min 1 of { /Common/gateway_icmp }
slow-ramp-time 300
APM Objects
apm profile access sslo_demoL3_accessProfile {
access-policy sslo_demoL3_accessPolicy
app-service /Common/sslo_demoL3.app/sslo_demoL3
## log-settings ##
log-settings {
type ssl-orchestrator
## apm policy customization-group ##
customization-group sslo_demoL3_logout
eps-group sslo_demoL3_unknown_customization
errormap-group sslo_demoL3_errormap
framework-installation-group sslo_demoL3_framework_installation
general-ui-group sslo_demoL3_general_ui
apm policy access-policy sslo_demoL3_accessPolicy {
app-service /Common/sslo_demoL3.app/sslo_demoL3
caption general
## apm policy policy-item ##
default-ending sslo_demoL3_end_allow
items {
sslo_demoL3_end_allow { }
sslo_demoL3_ent { }
start-item sslo_demoL3_ent
## apm log-settings ##
apm log-setting sslo_demoL3-log-setting {
access { general-log { log-level {..}
publisher /Common/sys-sslo-publisher
type ssl-orchestrator } }
url-filters { urlf { publisher /Common/sys-sslo-publisher } }
## apm policy customization-group ##
apm policy customization-group sslo_demoL3_errormap {
apm policy customization-group sslo_demoL3_framework_installation {
apm policy customization-group sslo_demoL3_general_ui {
apm policy customization-group sslo_demoL3_logout {
apm policy customization-group sslo_demoL3_unknown_customization {
## apm policy policy-item ##
apm policy policy-item sslo_demoL3_end_allow {
apm policy policy-item sslo_demoL3_ent {
apm policy agent ending-allow sslo_demoL3_end_allow_ag {
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